
Articles chronologically

The capital city opens a new contact point for housing support in Prague 9

4/4/2024 As part of the expansion of the network of contact points for housing, the Prague City Hall in cooperation with the Prague 9 municipality is opening a new office designed to provide information and support in the area of housing.

The capital will build a new cultural creative centre in Preslova Street

4/2/2024 the Prague City Council approved the construction of a new building in Preslova Street in Prague 5, which will serve as a creative centre for the performing arts.

Preparations for the construction of the Energocentre have begun, it will use heat from the wastewater treatment plant

4/2/2024 Prague City Councillors have approved the preparation of the construction of an Energocentre, which will process waste heat from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant on Císařský ostrov.

The capital is negotiating with Komerční banka about the possible purchase of the bank building on Wenceslas Square

3/28/2024 The Prague City Hall could in the future be housed in the Komerční banka building on Wenceslas Square. The capital is currently negotiating the purchase of this building with its owner, Komerční banka, which owns it through its subsidiary VN 42, s.r.o.

Prague city councillors approve another CZK 200 million so that the reconstruction of Šlecht's restaurant can continue

3/20/2024 he Prague City Council approved the reconstruction of the Šlecht Restaurant and the associated financing of CZK 200 million.

Prague has completed a zoning study for the eastern part of Horní Počernice, which defines the location of public spaces and limits for futu

3/20/2024 the initiative of the Prague 20 municipality, the capital city commissioned the Horní Počernice - East Zoning Study to be prepared in 2021

The Stromovka railway station will have a new operator. Prague could earn over CZK 3 million a year in rent

3/18/2024 The Prague City Council has approved the order of bids from those interested in operating the Vozovna restaurant and the signing of a lease agreement with the highest bidder. KOOL FOOD SERVICE offered CZK 3,432,158 per year for the lease.

Prague to lease hundreds of garage spaces

3/12/2024 The City of Prague has announced its intention to lease more than 330 free garage spaces. So far, the empty garages will bring the city about three million crowns.

Prague presents investment subsidies for municipal districts for 2024

3/12/2024 The Council of the Capital City of Prague Prague has approved the provision of special-purpose investment grants from the investment reserve, which are intended to support urban districts.

Prague discusses draft new building regulations. Competence negotiated during the preparation of the amendment to the Building Act

3/12/2024 Council of the Capital City of Prague. During the next 30 days, individual city districts can comment on its wording. The regulations should come into force simultaneously with the amendment to the Building Act,