
Articles chronologically

Preparatory construction works for a new P+R parking for 880 cars commence at Černý Most

6/2/2020 Preparations have started for the construction of Černý Most III, a new multistorey P+R car park. The new building is to replace the existing Černý Most I car park, increasing the capacity to 880 cars. The project is expected to be completed next year.

Prague starts accepting applications for discount on rent

5/20/2020 As of 20 May 2020, tenants of city-owned premises may file electronic applications with Prague’s COVID – Rent aid program to receive a discount on the rent.

Prague’s gas streetlights undergo luminosity test

5/5/2020 The luminosity of gas lamps in the streets of Prague’s Old Town has been measured this week. There are approximately 680 historic gas lamps that light the Royal Route from the Powder Gate over the Charles Bridge to Hradčanské Square at Prague Castle.

Vendors will not be charged any fees for selling their goods outside shops

4/20/2020 As of 21 April 2020, it will be easier for businesses to serve customers in the street outside their shops.

Long-awaited redesign of Wenceslas Square has commenced, should be completed in 2025

4/17/2020 After many years of preparations, a total redesign of one of the largest squares in Central Europe, Prague’s Wenceslas Square, started on Wednesday, 15 April 2020.

Prague’s “Sherwood” to transform and become accessible by tram

4/16/2020 Prague’s infamous Vrchlického Sady Park, known as “Prague Sherwood”, is to transform, with a new tram track running across. The park, located outside the Main Station, is to be completely revitalized.

Prague City Councilors approve abolition of fees and rent for outside seating and street sale

4/16/2020 Prague will not charge restaurants any fees or rent for outside seating on municipal land until the end of the year. Likewise, the city will not charge any fees for the use of public land for takeaway sale outside shops.

A new concept to improve coordination of planned projects in Baba estate and improve the living conditions for local inhabitants

4/14/2020 Functionalist Baba estate is to enjoy better protection against uncoordinated changes. Prague City Council has asked the Planning and Development Institute (IPR) to appoint a team that will create a new concept for future development of the site.

Prague to skip annual rent adjustment for entrepreneurs

3/30/2020 Prague City Council has annulled its previous decision to increase the rent in city-owned commercial buildings by 2.8% in 2020. The city will also refrain from charging default interest on overdue rent and from terminating contracts on these grounds.

General planner appointed for Smíchov Terminal

3/30/2020 Prague City Council has approved the appointment of a general planner for Smíchov Terminal.