
Articles chronologically

Prague signs memorandum of cooperation with four city districts to tackle housing distress

10/11/2019 The City of Prague and districts Prague 1, 7, 10 and 22 have signed a memorandum to jointly address housing distress affecting families with children.

Dejvice Campus is to transform. The area is to become a more prestigious and attractive place where people want to spend their time.

10/7/2019 Prague has joined the Memorandum on Common Interest that supports a transformation of the Dejvice Campus. Prague Institute of Planning and Development is to draft a concept.

Refurbished river embankment cells handed over to Prague. New tenants to open shops in autumn

9/13/2019 An official event was held last week on Rašínovo embankment to mark the completion of a riverbank refurbishment project.

All river embankment cells fitted with special glass. Tenants to start moving in in September

8/16/2019 On Friday, 16 August, the last cell in the embankment wall was fitted with glass entrance. At the same time, total refurbishment of twenty cells on Hořejší and Rašínovo embankments that started last December is now nearly complete.

As of today, citizens have an opportunity to shape new Bubny-Zátory quarter

8/15/2019 In June, Prague representatives presented a draft zoning study for a 110-hectare brownfield in the Bubny-Zátory area. The study shows what the new quarter could look like.

City granted building permit for the Industrial Palace, plans to rebuild it

8/14/2019 Ten years after a devastating fire, Prague has now been granted a building permit to rebuild the left wing of the Industrial Palace and a complete refurbishment of the right wing and the central hall.

Prague plans to build outdoor leisure and sports facility on Vidoule Hill

7/31/2019 Prague is expected to acquire the remaining key plots of land on Vidoule in the coming months to build an outdoor leisure and sports facility. The city will exchange the land for other parcels in Vysočany, Stodůlku, and Střížkov districts.

Agreement signed with landowners at Krč Hospital. This paves the way for underground line D construction

7/17/2019 Prague city representatives and Petr Witowski, Board Chairman and CEO of the Prague Public Transport Authority (DPP), signed an agreement in July following up from the Initial Framework Agreement on coordinated approach to the construction of 1D undergrou

The city has commissioned an analysis of its property managed by third parties

6/27/2019 At its today's session, the Prague City Council has taken note of an analysis of municipal property management provided by third parties.

City Hall starts coordinating housing availability initiatives of city districts

6/26/2019 Representatives of city districts have met with their city administration counterparts to jointly tackle a housing availability crisis.