Nonresidential detail

Office for rent Březinova 485/18 (offer of MČ Praha 8)

office Lease nonresidential Date of publish: 3/19/2025 Tender deadline : 3/31/2025


Březinova 485/18, Prague 8
18600 Karlín

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Deadline for submission: 31 March 2025 by 18:00.

Minimal price

Floors count: 1
Floor/location: 1. NP
Used area: 44 m2
Tour of inspection I.: 3/20/2025 13:00
Tour of inspection II.: 3/27/2025 13:00
Guarantee: 30,000 CZK
Link to an official board


The subject of the tender is the offer of rent of the space used for business number 501, in the house number 485, which is part of the land parcel number 529, cadastral area Karlín, street Březinova orientation number 18, zip code 186 00, Prague 8, with an area of 44.09 m2. The house is in a quiet part of Karlín, near the park Invalidovna. The premises are on the raised ground floor, accessible only from the inside of the house. The lease is negotiated for an indefinite period of time with a notice period of 3 months.

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