Prague approved the updated form of the Architectural Study for the Reconstruction of the Libeň Bridge

Prague approved the updated form of the Architectural Study for the Reconstruction of the Libeň Bridge


 The Prague City Council approved an update of the Architectural Study designed by architect Petr Teje, which defines the essential parameters of the reconstruction of the Libeň Bridge and the surrounding area. The study includes coordination with all construction projects in the vicinity of the junction and is based on Janák's original solution in the form of a replica of the supporting structure on the existing pillars in the Vltava River. The design also envisages a more extensive reconstruction of the arch bridge over the Vltava River. The arch structure of the inundation bridge over the defunct eastern arm of the Vltava River will be replaced by a free-form replica. The arch bridges are connected by newly designed beam structures, which follow the original design of Janák's arch bridge foreland

The aim of the reconstruction is not only the repair of the Libeň Bridge over the Vltava (V009) and the arch inundation bridge (X656) on Rohanský ostrov, but also the complete construction of all other bridge structures. And also the adjacent roads and the necessary relocations of utilities from the Dělnická - Jankovcova intersection in Prague 7 to the Palmovka intersection in Prague 8.

The reconstruction also includes a complete replacement of the catenary and track superstructure for the tram line in Libeňský most street and its surroundings, which will be provided by the Transport Company of the capital city of Prague. The construction of a retention tank and a set of flood protection measures is also planned.

Metrostav TBR started its activities on 1 March 2022 by working on the preparation of project documentation for all zoning decisions and building permits or their amendments required for the implementation of the entire construction. Design work for the entire interchange is ongoing and an update of the documentation for the building permits is being prepared. Construction work is expected to start in full in 2025.