Prague to skip annual rent adjustment for entrepreneurs

Prague to skip annual rent adjustment for entrepreneurs


Prague City Council has annulled its previous decision to increase the rent in city-owned commercial buildings by 2.8% in 2020. The city will also refrain from charging default interest on overdue rent and from terminating contracts on these grounds.

“We have decided not to adjust the rents this year. The city wants to make life easier for entrepreneurs in this difficult situation, and not to burden them with higher rents,” says Jan Chabr, City Councilor responsible for municipal asset management.

Earlier, the City Council agreed to postpone rent payments for the duration of the emergency situation. Last week, Prague 1 and the City Hall have set up a joint team of experts who will analyze the situation of different types of businesses and suggest measures to alleviate or compensate the impact of government restrictions imposed in association with the COVID-19 epidemic.