clear 69 / 5 000 Výsledky překladu Výsledek překladu Prague has opened another contact point for housing, this time in Prague 8

clear 69 / 5 000 Výsledky překladu Výsledek překladu Prague has opened another contact point for housing, this time in Prague 8


The capital city of Prague continues to expand the network of contact points for housing. On Monday, September 23, 2024, another office was ceremoniously opened, this time in the Prague 8 district. The new contact point will offer the residents of Prague 8 help and advice in solving housing problems, whether it is a search for a new home, a solution to the housing shortage or mediation of help with complaints tenants.

The opening of the center was officially started with a ribbon cutting in the new office. It is located at U Meteoru 676/8, Prague 8 Libeň. The official opening was attended by representatives of the municipality and the Prague 8 district, including mayor Ondřej Gros and deputy mayor for housing Radomír Nepil. After the official opening, the program moved to the cultural center Velký Mlýn, where another part of the event took place - a barbecue for local residents. The program included not only refreshments, but also live music, face painting for children and workshops for the whole family to enjoy. The capital thus followed up with a series of community events aimed at raising awareness of contact points for housing support.

"The opening of another contact point for housing in Prague 8 is proof that we are working hard to ensure affordable and comprehensive advice in the area of ​​housing for the people of Prague. Contact points play a key role in our efforts to help those who find themselves in housing need, or those facing challenges associated with existing housing. Our goal is to get closer to people, provide them with the support they need and prevent someone from ending up without a roof over their head," says Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs and Housing Policy Alexandra Uzheniya. She also praises the good cooperation with individual city districts, which gradually join the program.

Contact points for housing were established within the framework of the projects "Housing and support in housing for households and contact points for housing" and "Housing and support in housing for households and advisers for tenants" financed by the European Social Fund.

The goal is to provide citizens with information and support in finding housing, solving housing shortages or problems with existing housing. Contact points also provide assistance in dealing with complaints and suggestions from existing tenants in both municipal and private apartments. Tenant advisors also help with the prevention and effective resolution of potential problems in neighborly relations.