Prague will apply for financial support for the project to redevelop the Skloněná site in Vysočany into affordable housing

Prague will apply for financial support for the project to redevelop the Skloněná site in Vysočany into affordable housing


Council of the head The City of Prague approved the submission of an application for support of the project entitled Areál Skloněná - adaptation of existing accommodation facilities to apartment buildings to the National Renewal Plan on the basis of the 5th call announced by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic. The aim of the plan is to obtain project documentation for the selection of a contractor for the reconstruction of buildings in Prague 9, which should subsequently serve as affordable housing for workers in selected professions, seniors, families with children and the medically handicapped.

The housing stock of the capital city does not have sufficient capacities for a long time, and the demand for city apartments exceeds the supply. Therefore, Prague is currently preparing projects whose goal is to increase housing capacity. One of them is the plan to rebuild buildings between the streets U Kloubových domú and Pod Balkánem in Vysočany in Prague 9.
The capital city now intends to use the possibility of subsidy financing for the preparation of the project for the selection of a contractor for this particular investment event. The opportunity is offered by the program of the National Recovery Plan based on the 5th call for financial support for the preparation of projects in line with EU goals, which was announced by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic in April this year. The deadline for submission of subsidy applications is set until October 30, 2024.

The financial costs of selecting a contractor for the planned reconstruction are in the amount of CZK 8,600,000 excluding VAT, while the subsidy amounts to 100% of this amount. Co-financing corresponds to only 21% of VAT (CZK 1,806,000, the total cost of obtaining documentation for the selection of a contractor is therefore in the amount of CZK 10,406,000. The project must be implemented by May 31, 2026 at the latest.