Prague councillors approved the purchase of the railway track and land for the future tramway line at the Žižkov Freight Station

Prague councillors approved the purchase of the railway track and land for the future tramway line at the Žižkov Freight Station


Prague City Council The Prague City Council discussed the purchase of the railway trackbed and the land underneath it for the planned tram line at the Žižkov Freight Station. According to an expert's report, the capital city will pay the railway administration nearly CZK 153 million.

The purchase of land with a total area of 31,133 square metres, as well as the railway substructure, including railway bridges, railway superstructure, including tracks, track couplings, switches and lighting masts, still has to be approved by the City Council. Prague at Thursday's meeting.

"The area of the former Žižkov Freight Station, whose normal operation was terminated in 2002, is one of the largest brownfield sites in Prague. The total area is 71 hectares and the new urban district that will be created here will accommodate thousands of people. This is why the area needs to be served by a new tram line, which is an environmentally friendly and high-capacity form of public transport. This will be the first time in the Czech Republic that we will use a railway line for the construction of a tramway," says Adam Zábranský, Councillor for Property, Transparency and Legislation.

In terms of the future use of the existing non-functional railway, it is to be divided into two parts. The capital wants to use the eastern part of the railway for the logistic support of the construction of the north-eastern part of the City Ring Road. After the completion of the ring road, the eastern part of the railway may also be transformed into tram traffic with the destination at the Hostivař Depot.

The new tram line will connect at the junction Jana Želivského - Olšanská, then run north of the Freight Station and further east to the underpass under K Červenému dvoru Street, from where it will continue along the corridor of the existing railway line. The line will end with a siding stop in front of the Auto Jarov complex.