Mystic Skatepark will continue at Štvanica

Mystic Skatepark will continue at Štvanica


Prague city councillors have approved the lease of 3,378 square metres of land under the skatepark on Štvanice Island to the current operator.

Mystic Skatepark Štvanice has been using the land on Štvanice since 1997. It has not yet been possible to conclude a lease agreement due to a court dispute, now over, with the former tenant of the Štvanice island. The absence of a proper lease agreement disqualified the association from subsidies for investment and operation of the facility.
The lease agreement will be concluded for an indefinite period with a notice period of 1 year and a rent of CZK 169,000 per year.
The association takes care of the land and the surrounding area, in 2000 it built a mobile roof over the skatepark with its own funds and with the contribution of the capital city of Prague. The company has been supporting the skating rink with its own resources and grants from the City of Prague. This has created the only covered skatepark in the Czech Republic and Central Europe, which allows the use of the sports facilities all year round and in all weather conditions. The skatepark is open daily to the public. Since 1997, the association has been organising the Mystic Sk8 Cup, a world cup in skateboarding.
"We are still discussing the exact form of the revitalisation of Štvanice Island with the coalition partners, but I think that the skatepark definitely belongs to the sports character of the island. The tenant is contractually obliged to accept the improvements to the land that will result from the prepared Island Vision Manual," says Adam Zábranský, Councillor for Property, Transparency and Legislation.

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