Prague, Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region are heading to Expo Real again in a joint exhibition

Prague, Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region are heading to Expo Real again in a joint exhibition


The prestigious property development fair Expo Real will take place from 7 to 9 October 2024 in Munich, Germany. Tens of thousands of participants from more than 70 countries will be present, making it one of the world's most important investment fairs. Ostrava, the Moravian-Silesian Region and Prague have been participating in this prestigious and specialised event for a long time, and this year they will also present themselves in a joint exhibition called Czech Cities & Regions. Potential business partners from abroad and those interested in investing will thus have the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the development of the investment environment in the Czech Republic.

The City of Prague intends to present two main themes at the fair. The first is the Old Town Market Hall, where the metropolis will be looking for an operator through a competitive dialogue. The second theme is a catalogue of ten development projects, which will include land and buildings, which the capital is preparing together with its municipal company Trade

For this year's edition of the fair, Czech cities will repeat the design exposition on an area of 228 m2, designed by the renowned architectural and urban design firm Chybik+Kristof Associated Architects, s.r.o. The exposition reflects current trends in architecture and emphasises the promotion of sustainability. It will provide a space for meetings and discussions in varying degrees of formality while providing a comfortable and comprehensive experience for visitors. In several parts, it symbolically refers to projects in Prague, Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region, and to their new cultural and architectural landmarks. This year there will again be an expert programme with presentations and discussions with prominent personalities of development and architecture, which will increase interest in the Czech stand.

Expo Real is focused on the real estate market, investment opportunities, development projects - both residential and commercial, architectural trends and territorial development in real estate. It is distinguished by the significant participation of developers and investors, development agencies, end users, professional consultants, architects, representatives of local governments and states. The fair thus provides a unique platform for the presentation of projects and investment opportunities for both local governments and private entities. It also provides an exceptional opportunity to establish or strengthen business ties.