Construction work is starting on Jiřího z Poděbrad Square. New trees or a rainwater catchment tank will be added

Construction work is starting on Jiřího z Poděbrad Square. New trees or a rainwater catchment tank will be added


Jiřího z Poděbrad Square has been partially fenced off and the first preparatory work has begun. As part of its revitalisation, the area in front of the church will be landscaped and the pedestrian routes and greenery will be improved. New avenues of trees will separate the park from the busy roads. The work will take 33 months and will preserve both cultural events and the traditional farmers' market, which will be moved to the square according to the construction stages.

"Prague has been waiting for the reconstruction of Jiřího z Poděbrad Square for a long time and after years of unsystematic modifications, the reconstruction will now be carried out "properly" - after an architectural competition, with public participation and with respect for public space and the environment. A significant part of the money for the revitalisation should come from EU funds and within the financial packages negotiated by Zdeněk Hřib as mayor in the last election period, specifically for the revitalisation of public spaces," says Adam Zábranský, councillor for property, transparency and legislation.
The winning proposal for the revitalisation of the square by the MCA studio envisages preserving the character of a city park with a large proportion of greenery, while at the same time expanding the forecourt of the Sacred Heart Church. The market will be moved from the north-west to the north-eastern part of the square.

The design of the new form of the square was selected in an architectural competition in 2000, and the public was also involved and could express their opinions on the spot in a participation container, which was created in cooperation between the Prague 3 Municipal District and the Prague Development Planning Institute. The cost of the event was based on a public tender for the selection of the contractor, who was chosen on the basis of the lowest bid price. The cost of the project is CZK 477,776,488 including VAT, and the capital is currently negotiating with the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic, which could contribute up to half of the cost.