How to get more information about the terms of the tenders?
In the case of tenders, there are attached documents with specific terms of the tender in the section "INFORMATION - ATTACHMENTS".
How do I get more information about offers?
For each offer, you can press Contact, which opens the contact form, where you can write your query and send it to the administrator. The Contact option is also listed on the bottom left side of the webpage.
How is it possible to find the date of the apartment tour?
An offer for renting an apartment is accompanied by the document " Vyhlášení výběrového řízení ", which contains the detailed conditions of the tender procedure iIn the "INFORMATION - ATTACHMENTS" section. The document also provides the date and time of the apartment tour.
What does it mean, when the deadline for submitting a tender is not mentioned?
This is a continuous offer, which is published without any further information (price, terms), before someone is interested. Subsequently, a tender will be announced for the property and you will be able to sign up for it.