Prague is looking for a tenant for its agricultural land. The condition is organic farming

Prague is looking for a tenant for its agricultural land. The condition is organic farming


The City of Prague is currently looking for tenants for 14 of its agricultural plots. The city advertises the lease on its real estate portal, where interested parties can find out more detailed information. The aim is to ensure environmentally friendly farming on the land in accordance with the city's climate plan.

The required lease period is five years. There is no minimum price, in previous cases the city has leased the land for around 10 to 50 cents per square metre. "The terms are set to make the lease as attractive as possible for the farmer. By publishing it on the real estate portal, we will reach as many interested parties as possible. Prague manages about 1,650 hectares of agricultural land and our goal is not to let it lie fallow, but rather to value it. The way to do that is to manage it in a sustainable way," says Adam Zábranský, Prague's councillor for property, legislation and transparency.

The currently offered plots are located in the cadastres of Točná, Třeboradice, Vysočany, Kbely, Šeberov, Suchdol, Kyje, Dolní Počernice, Horní Počernice, Dubeč and Běchovice.

Support for sustainable organic agriculture is one of the 69 measures of the Climate Plan of the capital city. Prague already terminated all the former lease agreements in 2019 and a year later approved the Principles of Organic Farming on Agricultural Land it owns. The principles include landscaping. The City now only enters into new leases contingent on compliance with these policies.

The principles regulate the size of soil blocks and their division, basic rules for sowing practices, restrictions on the use of chemicals, with inorganic fertilisers completely prohibited, and more.