The capital city rejects false claims about the future of the tennis courts at Štvanice

The capital city rejects false claims about the future of the tennis courts at Štvanice


The capital rejects false claims about the future of the tennis courts at Štvanice

In response to the allegations made by the General Manager of the I. ČLTK Vladislav Šavrda, the capital city is putting the record straight about the revitalization of Štvanice. The capital city is not planning any massive closure of the courts or liquidation of the tennis club I. ČLTK Prague, as it appeared in several articles (for example on, or

Prague is not planning to close the seven courts at Štvanica. Claims about the cancellation of the courts are misleading to say the least on the part of Vladislav Šavrda, the general manager of the I. ČLTK. The capital city only had the competition design of Štvanice from 2013 reworked. This study works with several possible directions for the revitalization of Štvanice Island, but these are long-term visions and none of them has yet been identified by the city as preferred. The direction of the island's revitalisation that the capital should take will be discussed with the public and local stakeholders. There will also be space for public comment on any changes.

"I consider it unfair that I have not been approached by any other journalists asking for comments, apart from the Blitz, where I responded that the rumours about the liquidation of the tennis court are nonsensical lies," said Councillor H. Prague Mayor Adam Zábranský, who is responsible for the property sector.

The new Štvanická footbridge crosses the island and is a new key link for local residents, pedestrians and cyclists in the spirit of the city of short distances, which naturally increases the number of visitors to Štvanice. In the future, the island should primarily serve the function of short-term urban recreation in the broadest sense and exploit the unique potential of the island in the centre of Prague. The plan includes, for example, modifying the banks to improve citizens' access to the river, modifying the roads on the island, removing unnecessary visual smog, and dealing with parking, which is currently unregulated and results, among other things, in cars parked on the green. As Štvanice is located in the city centre, consideration is being given to charging for parking and moving it to more appropriate locations.

So far, no decision has been taken by the City Council on the study. Prague. The discussion on the long-term direction of the revitalisation of Štvanice is yet to take place, so to present any conclusions regarding the removal of the courts at this time is false and misleading.

Already at the beginning of 2021, in cooperation with the Institute of Planning and Development of the Capital City of Prague, a new project was launched. In early 2021, a participation plan was developed and roundtables with key stakeholders were held. From June to September 2021, the IPR Prague, together with the external participation contractor City Upgrade, held public activities to collect input directly from local residents. IPR Prague then organised a public presentation of the proposal and consulted key stakeholders on the proposal. The capital city informed the public several times about the creation of the study and involved the public.