Prague continues reducing “advertising pollution” in public space.

Prague continues reducing “advertising pollution” in public space.


Prague’s City Councilor Adam Zábranský, whi is responsible for the City Council’s property, legislation and transparency agendas, met with journalists and representatives of advertising agencies on Thursday morning for a roundtable discussion on advertising in public space and the city administration’s plans in this area. Refinement of public space and a fight against illegal advertising are some of the top priorities for the city.

Informal meetings with journalists and representatives of the advertising industry also provide more space for discussion and presentation of both current and planned measures. “Since the previous election term, we have not renewed expiring leases or entered into new leases for the placement of billboards. We are also making effort to remove illegal billboards, including litigations. We are drafting an amendment to the three-year-old directive on the regulation of large-format advertising banners. Since August, the JCDecaux advertising furniture has been removed from the Historic Centre of Prague,” Adam Zábranský outlined the agenda.

The planned changes will also affect the UNESCO-listed Historic Centre of Prague. Prague’s own technical services company is finalizing negotiations with JCDecaux on the purchase of shelters at public transport stops.

Changes are also planned as regards the so-called buffer greenery zones. The Supreme Administrative Court has ruled that the placement of advertising in the buffer greenery is illegal and should be removed. The city will follow the Supreme Administrative Court’s case-law and the Council is having a proposal drafted to terminate relevant lease contracts. The Prague City Council will decide on the material within months.