Prague receives subsidy for energy efficiency measures; will insulate apartment buildings and build green roofs

Prague receives subsidy for energy efficiency measures; will insulate apartment buildings and build green roofs


At its session on Monday, the Prague City Council approved the receipt of funds totaling CZK 31,090,849 from the Ministry of the Environment to invest in energy efficiency measures.

 These funds come from the New Green Efficiencies Program, which aims to support environmental and sustainable projects in the Czech capital, and from the Operational Program Environment 2014-2020.

The projects are focused on insulating prefab apartment blocks at 30 Roháčova Street and 2-10 Blahoslavova Street in Prague 3 to improve not only the energy performance and operating cost efficiency of the buildings, but also their look with a new finish. Another investment plan is to build new green roofs on the buildings of the Venclík Brothers Primary School at Černý Most, which will improve the comfort of the buildings, reduce the operating cost and create a pleasant experience.