Prague agrees to start preparations of Beranka housing project in Horní Počernice.

Prague agrees to start preparations of Beranka housing project in Horní Počernice.


The Prague City Council approved the launch of preparations of the Beranka project in Prague’s Horní Počernice district, which will consist of approximately 300 municipal rental apartments and a primary school for roughly 540 children. This year, a so-called masterplan will be drawn out for the site with an area of ​​63,000 m2 under the leadership of the Prague Development Company (PDS). The plan will serve as the basis for subsequent architectural competitions and public tenders for individual parts of the project. The purpose will be to select contractors to compile documentation for relevant zoning decisions and building permits. PDS expects the Beranka Horní Počernice project to be implemented between 2025 and 2030.

 Prague has responded to Prague 20 district’s calls for a new primary school by adding it to what had originally been a purely residential project. Other locations in Horní Počernice designated for education in the zoning plan are mostly owned by private owners who have other intentions for their land.


Základní informace o projektu Beranka Horní Počernice:

  • Lokalita:Praha 20, mezi ulicemi Tlustého, K Odpočinku, K Berance a Bořetická
  • Rozloha pozemku:63 000 m2
  • Hrubá podlahová plocha (HPP):31 300 m2
  • Počet městských nájemních bytů:300
  • Občanská vybavenost v projektu:Základní škola a sportoviště



Foto: Projektil architekti 2022, PDS