Prague completes refurbishment of Baroque Clam-Gallas Palace. The city aims to revive the Mozart legacy that is associated with the palace

Prague completes refurbishment of Baroque Clam-Gallas Palace. The city aims to revive the Mozart legacy that is associated with the palace


After more than three years of restoration works and major repairs, the Clam-Gallas Palace in the center of Prague has been regaining its former beauty. This important Baroque palace building, which once housed the highest social classes of the Viennese court, was reportedly also a home for Mozart. It is his legacy that the capital wants to leverage in cultivating inbound tourism. The total cost of the refurbishment is expected to reach approximately CZK 460 million and the first rooms should open to the public this summer. 


Clam-Gallasův palác | Foto: archiv MHMP