Prague is preparing a major land swap with the state.

Prague is preparing a major land swap with the state.


Prague City Council has approved an amendment that would resolve some outstanding property issues between the state and the city. A land swap would enable the Vinohrady University Hospital build a new trauma center. At the same time, the city would be able to further develop tennis courts and their vicinity at Letná and to improve the working conditions for rescuers based in 28. Pluku Street in Prague 10.

At its session on Monday, the Prague City Council discussed a potential swap of multiple plots of land in Prague with the state. In exchange for a plot of land on the premises of the Vinohrady Hospital, which would gain space for the construction of a trauma center, the city could acquire tennis courts in Letná that could otherwise be sold to a private entity, or a villa near the hospital, which could be converted into a new medical facility.

The swap should also include a dispatch hub of Prague’s Emergency Medical Service based in 28. Pluku Street in Prague 10. Ambulances are dispatched from this hub and the city would be able to refurbish the building to create better work conditions for the rescue teams.


Foto: wikipedia